Personal Origami Web Sites
There are probably well over 1000 Web pages dedicated exclusively
to paperfolding. In fact, a quick turns
thousands of Web
pages containing the word "origami". A search
at Yahoo turns up 3
categories and 102 sites, and the Origami
category boasts 50 pages. I
have listed here some of the more comprehensive and extensive origami
Web sites along with short descriptions. As always, if you have any
comments or suggestions, please
let me know!

Wu's Origami Page is
known as the "master" origami page, with many links, diagrams, photo
galleries, information about origami, and much more! Joseph also
provides a Who's Who of origami notables and some great photos of his
original models.

Barber's Origami Page is
beautifully designed with lots of information! Alex Barber has a list of
folders on the internet, pictures of Origami
USA Annual Conventions, lots of diagrams,
and a searchable
origami model database!

Origami Menagerie contains
a photo gallery of at least 40 models by Lang, Montroll, Engel, and
others. Jasper's site also boasts
Links: Origami Diagrams on the Web, which has links to about 40
diagrams, including several at like
Eeyore, the one-piece shuriken, and the cherry blossom.

Bateman's Origami Page has
lots of diagrams for people to fold and a page of his tesselation folds
with some instructions.

George Ho's Origami
and Mental Health Therapy promotes
the use of origami in therapy. George provides his origami experience in
a psychiatric hospital, and is looking to share information with others
on this topic. He is also collecting a long list of the benefits of
origami, and provides historical and current-day examples. What a
wonderful and inspiring Web site!

Gatliff's Origami Page has
some colorful origami pictures and origami computer art, including
ray-traced images. He has models by Max Hulme, Robert Neale, and

Clouds of Thoki Yenn, also known as Origami Denmark, has information
about bothorigami and kirigami,
including wonderful diagrams for models such as a DNA molecule, various
boxes, and the magic rings, or Umulius Rectangulum, which you see
pictured here.

Sy's Paper Folding Page boasts
lots of models designed by Sy, arranged by category. There are also
diagrams here in Adobe's PDF format.

Dennis Walker's Origami Page: Here you will find diagrams for six of
Dennis' own origami creations, including a crown, a jackal head, and a
Christmas decoration.

Origami Page of Edward Crankshaw: Edward has created a piece of
sculpture based on the Japanese culture as it relates to himself and
origami. He has a copy of a research paper he wrote on the influences of
the East and West as it relates to Origami, as well as his origami
philosophy (check out the The
Ten Commandments of Origami), poetry, links, and a list of about 60
origami books that he owns.

Close's Origami Photo Gallery boasts
photos of beautiful, complex Robert Lang models. These origami photos
are some of the nicest I've seen!

Plank's Modular Origami Page has
some beautiful pictures of some very complex polyhedron modulars
(origami models made from many different similarly-folded pieces).

Parker's Cranes for Peace The
Cranes for Peace Page will continue to provide information about Sadako
projects as well as other crane projects.

David Petty's Origami Page include
a very comprehensive list of traditional origami models along with
pictures and information as well as many of his own modular
wreaths and many other
diagrams. He also discusses his origami
philosophy and the main
creative strands that go
into the creation of an origami model.

If you like miniature origami, you'll love Tommy's
Origami Page, which features various miniature modulars as well as
some impressive money
folds. All of Tommy's miniature models are shown next to coins so
that you can see their amazing size and accuracy!

Mette Pederson has published her own set of modular origami books based
around her Mette Units. Mette uses these Units to create many beautiful rings,
cubes, and quilts. Check out the mini gallery in her cube
at work, and her pictures of the OrigamiUSA
Annual Convention!

Oriland: Origami Galore! is
the Web Site of Yurii & Katrin Shumakovs. A beautiful and colorful site,
Oriland boasts many great diagrams for models such as a robot, a large
gallery of models, info on some origami CD-ROMs, info on origami books
and authors, and even some information for parents and teachers on how
origami can help develop and increase creative abilities in children.

Modular Mania displays a
wide array of modulars from such creators as Arnstein & Simon, Tomoko
Fuse, Jim Plank, and Robert Neale. Her various displays are complemented
by a sonobe unit of her own creation and a wide array of modular
folding instructions!

Marcolina's Wet-folding Site has
an amazing
gallery of wet-folded models displaying
various Kawahata dinosaurs from Origami
Fantasy, Issei Yoshino's triceratops skeleton, and various animals
by Lang, Weiss, Montroll, and others. The picture you see here is the
Mask of the Buddha by NISHIKAWA Seiji, from ORU Quarterly Folding
Diagrams Vol. 2.

At Matthias
Gutfeldt's Origami Page you
will find diagrams for some of his own designs, including a standing
starbox (pictured here) and the wave. He also has a number of photos of
models by Kasahara, Fuse, and others.

and Suzanne's Origami Jewelry are
made from extremely tiny origami cranes surrounded by a hand-blown glass
vial or tube. They use paper no larger than 5 x 5mm, and they fold
entirely by hand!

Snytsar's Virtual Origami Project showcases
an amazing virtual origami world using VRML. You can travel in any
direction - up, down, left, right, forward, backward, as you view these
origami dinosaurs. You can view all of this in your Web browser using a
VRML plug-in.

Ow's Origami Page contains
diagrams for some heart models from his book, "Origami Hearts", and a
number of modular creations from his book, "Modular Origami".

Page o' Origami has some
great Star Wars models, along with diagrams, including a Tie Fighter,
Star Destroyer, Naboo Fighter, X-Wing Fighter, Tie Bomber, and AT-ST.
You'll also find links to other Star Wars sites, origami sites, and Star
Wars origami sites!

Seong's Simply Origami displays
Teik's great folding talent with models such as Lang's Blackdevil
Angler, Neal Elias' Last Waltz, and Kawahata's Dimetrodon. A real
inspiration for those attempting these toughest of origami models!

Brian Cox has a one- or two-week program called Creating
a Balance which teaches
paperfolding as a means to develop motor coordination, attention to
detail, listening skills, cooperative learning, sequential learning, and
the ability to follow instructions, as well as patience, self-esteem,
confidence, and creativity!

Glynn's Origami Page has
an origami gallery as well as diagrams for some of these models,
including a badger (shown here), a teddy bear, big bird, the Eiffel
Tower, a modular star box, and a treasure chest.

Origami site has some
incredibly small miniature cranes, as well as a few other beautiful
pictures such as the one you see here, Kawasaki's rose with Joseph Wu's
Rose Base.

Rudolf Appelt's Origami
Web Site includes some
diagrams for his own models, an explanation of some basic origami
symbols, and links to other origami sites. His page is available in Portuguese and German as

4 You by Emmajg has a
nice gallery and diagrams for models such as the daffodil you see here.
The site also features a great list of books and their contents, and it
offers help with the famous Kawasaki rose!

Sid Carlson's Experiments
in Displaying Origami provides
insight into an often understated aspect of paperfolding - presentation.
The site provides beautiful examples of techniques for both displaying
as well as photographing models, using designs primarily by Tuyen and

Sources on the Web by
Melissa Johnson provides a variety of links, by category, for origami
sites throughout the Web. The Educational
Resources and Origami
Supplies and Books sections
are especially comprehensive.

Origami Page hails from
Malaysia and contains a beautiful gallery of his original models,
including a variety of animals, insects, birds, and mythical creatures.

Origami Site is
completely available in both English and German!
He has great descriptions and info for all of his origami
books, plus a variety of picture, a discussion of paper and
materials, and a diagram for crane envelope with a different color for
the crane.

& Paula's Origami Site provides
two galleries: "Your Room", containing models by Hatori Koshiro, Tom
Hull, Lewis Simon, and others, and "My Room", containing models by
Paula, including pictures and diagrams for a sprinkler, sprinklersphere,
puffin, crane kusudama, and more. Also featured is a wealth of
information on knotology (making 3D shapes from strips of paper), as
well as a list of Web sites owned by members of the origami email list.
And, much of the site is available in both Dutch and English!

Crowley's Origami Gallery features
a large gallery of beautifully-folded complex models by creators such as
Lang, Komatsu, Joisel, Giunta, Kasahara, LaFosse, Kawahata, Nisikawa,
and others. He has sections for animals, dinosaurs, fantasy models,
figures, insects, masks, and sea life.

Dorothy's Blast
Off to Planet Origami features
the "Origami Swami" column, which showcases original diagrams for
offbeat celebrations, plus fun model compendiums. The site also includes
a variety of links to sites on origami basics, history, benefits,
diagrams, galleries, and groups, as well as a compendium of categorized
midi files for downloading and listening while you fold.

Aharoni's Origami Page provides
original diagrams for a bunny and a dragon, and book reviews of many
books including OrigamiUSA Convention books, Origami Tanteidan
Convention books, and ORU Magazines. Gilad's page also has an enormous
gallery of hundreds of photos of animals, cartoon characters, and much

Cartoon is a gallery of
original origami landscapes by Y.K. Chavez. Entitled "Chester & Pinky
Explore the World", these dioramas are full of origami animals and range
from playgrounds to landscapes to African adventures.

Origami Page is a
tremendous resource for original origami diagrams. Anita provides a
detailed timeline and description for her creations, as well as a
variety of eye-catching photographs of her models, including a charming
set from an exhibit at
a local library. Anita's
diagrams range from a
barn owl (pictured right) to the famous hungry bat, and lots of animal
and seasonal creations in between!

Kakitsuka's Origami Page, available in both Japanese and English,
presents a very nice gallery of original models, including many
different insects, mammals, and other creatures. Diagramsare
provided for his cicada.

Carlos GĂȘnova's Brazilian
Origami Page, all in Portuguese, provides some origami basics
(symbols, common bases, types of paper) as well as a few diagrams and a
great gallery of
original complex models such as a gladiator, centaur, and lobster.
Carlos' site also features a set of discussions on origami
and geometry, covering topics such as the Pythagorean Theorem,
Tangrams, and a bibilography of Brazilian references for origami and

Foelker's Origami Page is
full of beautifully diagrammed models ranging from a simple boat, box,
heart, and snail to a pencil holder, modular wreath and cube, and even a
picture frame.

Budai's Origami Page includes
not only pictures, origami basics, symbols, and links, but also the
contents of his two latest books, articles on subjects such as
diagramming and mathematics, a catalog of self-similar folds, and
original diagrams for models including a catapult, dinosaur footprint,
and a flower with leaves. Plus, the site is available in both Magyar and

Mark Morden's Origami
Scrapbook features a
gallery of folds by artists such as Robert Lang, Chris Palmer, Joseph
Wu, Vincent Floderer, and many others including Mark himself. The site
also offers origami comics, wallpapers, and pictures and information
about the Sadako Statue at Seattle's Peace Park.

with Rachel Katz is a
great tour through the world of paperfolding, with plenty about Rachel,
her well-known "Storigami", the Long Island group called L.I.F.E., and
origami history, origami benefits, and a few simple and intermediate

Andrea Mantler's Origami
Gallery showcases models
from simple butterflies to Casanovas' complex Daedalus, as well as some
of her original models such as a piggy and modifications of Rhoad's bat.

Lane - the future of 'origane'
- is the creation of dynamic folded metal sculptures using traditional
origami designs and techniques (e.g. normal origami diagrams and folding
patterns). The material for metal folding can include copper, brass,
stainless steel, and aluminum. Lane Allen provides not only galleries of
his work, but also his commissioned work, how to get supplies, and links
to other pages.

Nicolas Terry's Design
in Origami is available
in four languages! This site provides galleries, news, and a
bibliography of works by Albertino and Lang. Check out the cartoon

Origami Page has a
tremendous gallery of complex models, ranging from Gilgado's alien to
Hojyo's skull to Kamiya's archeoptryx. Ben also has a very nice
discussion of crease patterns, and tips for beginning, intermediate, and
advanced students of this unique type of diagrams.

Rick Nordal's Origami
Snowflake Game provides a
fun set of puzzles and challenges, similar to tangrams or other
shape-based puzzles. The site also provides fast facts, links, and more!
There is even a Yahoo
Group for it!

"Ultimate Origami" has
diagrams for a glider, lotus bookmark, vase, and tetrahedral chain, as
well as links and information.

Peace Crane is a project
designed by Shingo Annen which promotes the folding of the traditional
origami crane using camouflage military patterned paper, for combined
artistic/political effect. To quote the site, "using the camouflage on
the cranes represents the irony of war and peace that are inherent in
our society, as if one cannot exist without the other."

Kim Nichols creates origami floral arrangements to support
research for Parkinson's. Kim's
Origami Flowers has both
a photo album and information about Kim and her work. All proceeds for
her sales go to theEmory
University School of Medicine, Neurology Parkinson's Research Department.
Hideo Komatsu's Origami Site (in
Davidson's Studio Origami features
her modular and floral designs.
Copyright of all above graphics other
than my own resides with the respective owners of the pages to which
they are linked. |